Monday, July 12, 2010

You are where you should be

As we go through life and we work on self improvement and spiritual growth, there is something in us that thinks once we grab some magical “brass ring” all our worries will be over. We’ll be in total bliss, always be happy and not have to work on healing anything ever again. It gives me the visual image of Snow White in a meadow with the birds singing, being loved by all the woodland creatures and dancing her way through life.

We somehow think once we heal something (grab that brass ring) that should be it- done with, over, healed, not going there again, thank you very much. You may not like hearing this, and you may find this hard to believe but it just doesn’t work that way. Because we learn and heal on a spiral, you may just have the same thing come up again, but on a deeper level. This is good news if you look at with from the right perspective.

I use to beat myself up thinking I was defective because surely once I reached my meadow I was suppose to stay there forever. After all, I did all this work and finally got my reward. When the rains came, the birds flew away and there were no woodland creatures to dance with I thought what in the world did I do to have it taken away? I’ve finally learned...I did nothing wrong, it was just time to come back around to a learning place for a while.

The deeper lesson in all of this is to enjoy the meadow while you’re in it. When you’re in the storm (a learning place,) know that the meadow is right around the corner. Life is all about ebb and flow, and no matter where you find yourself it is exactly where you are suppose to be.

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