Sunday, January 3, 2010

SMART Goals with a Spiritual Twist

I teach and coach how to obtain maximum results by combining the spiritual and the practical, and goal setting is a great example of doing this. It gives your logical mind a process to follow, and you should also become aware it's not only OK, but necessary to connect with Spirit while goal setting!

When you set your goals always find a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted and start thinking about your ideal business. Remember the goal has got to be your goal. Not one you think you must do because of someone else or for someone else, but because it will help you get where you want to go. It will take you to your place of happiness and success, which is unique from anyone else.

If you don’t know what you want, you won’t know where you want to go and you may end up somewhere that isn’t to your liking. By setting goals you are putting where you want to go in writing. You are also making a commitment to yourself you are working toward achieving something.

Traditional goal setting always incorporated the S.M.A.R.T rules for setting goals. Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely.

I’m going to expand that even further and bring the spiritual into it.
S – specific reason, significant, synergistic, shifting, *Spirit Guided
M – measurable results, meaningful, motivating, *Magical
A – attainable action plans, accountability, *Authentic
R – realistic, relevant, results-oriented, rewarding, *Resonating
T – timely, tangible, thoughtful, *Truth

Always be sure you have specific reasons. In other word, why do you want to achieve this goal? For it to be significant you need to understand what having it means to you. When you understand these things, it will be synergistic, your energy will shift to obtain it, and because God wants you have the life you desire and deserve, Spirit will guide you.
Your goal has to have measurable results so you know you are getting there. When it is meaningful to you, the closer you get, the more motivated you will be and the easier it becomes. It becomes second nature to break through your fears to accomplish it and it will seem almost magical to you when you see the results.
Anything is attainable because you have the power of the Universe within. You need an action plan so you won’t become paralyzed when you become fearful. When you hold yourself accountable you will push through your discomfort and the results will be nothing but awesome! Always stay authentic and true to yourself in this process.
When you set a goal you have to be realistic and not put something like “I will lose 60 pounds in one week.” It can’t be anything that would actually be harmful to you! It also needs to be relevant to you and require results-oriented actions to keep you moving in the right direction. Most importantly it has to a result in a reward. When you are connecting with your true heart’s desire it will resonate within you and you will have no doubts it’s in your Highest Best Good.
When you set a time in which to accomplish a goal, make sure it’s reasonable, but also make sure it causes you to stretch. Be sure it is something tangible so you know when you reached it. Always be thoughtful about your goal setting and ask for guidance from Spirit. Your goals with align with Truth when you take the time to ask for guidance.

Most importantly, remember as circumstances change, you must be flexible with your goals as well. In other words, don’t use them to beat up on yourself!

Before you can reach where you want to go, you need to know where you are starting. Learn more about yourself and find out your preferred Spiritual Sales Style

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